Thanks for the feedback, i have tested this and apparently only sd scripts version > 8 seem to work with the webui however the version in 21.8 seem to be...
yes i set it to bf16 4 processes 1 machine, enabled multi gpu and listed the 4 gpus: 0,1,2,3 but same result in speed. thats kinda how i started also...
@bmaltais i have allready tried to port back dependencies (for example i have used 100% identical requirements in 23.x that work in 21/22.3) with no luck. also i did run...
@littleyeson windows currently does not support NCCL so you need to switch the backend to gloo modify to: kwargs_handlers = ( None if args.ddp_timeout is None else [InitProcessGroupKwargs(timeout=datetime.timedelta(minutes=args.ddp_timeout))] )...