
Results 7 comments of StationedInTheField

Okay never mind, I fixed it. Not entirely sure how but I had to downgrade my node typings to 12.0.12.

Try: ``` webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true, nodeIntegrationInWorker: true, backgroundThrottling: false, enableRemoteModule: true } ``` Among other things that's one thing I changed, you can also keep your eyes on

So the last thing I told people to try probably did the trick. Thanks for the info @billygerhard !

That's where I got it. Would be great if these things found their way into the readme since a number of people keep running into the same issue =)

If we did that, it would still break once people use nebular in their add-on module. The nebular guys should fix the layout component...

I actually temporarily fixed it for 0.9.3, since the market is not included in the public versions yet, it uses a routing to show either one of the tabs. Works....