Stanislav Ungr
Stanislav Ungr
Symfony 4 support should be a high priority atm as the 3.4 is so slow to even work with.
I have the same problem. Please note in my config.yml is: ``` mobile_detect: redirect: detect_tablet_as_mobile: false ``` Dont know if that also has any impact on twig functions or is...
This seems to be also happening to me since Evgen14 reported it. No changes to code was made and it just stopped working... Any solution so far?
Hello guys. Is there any progress to this PR? We are currently using ApiPlatform and the fetch always fails on the mentioned line.
Hello. This is the DQL query: ``` SELECT m FROM AppBundle:User\UserGallery ug INNER JOIN Application\Sonata\MediaBundle\Entity\Gallery g WITH = INNER JOIN Application\Sonata\MediaBundle\Entity\GalleryHasMedia hm WITH = INNER JOIN...