Staffan Betnér

Results 28 issues of Staffan Betnér

Since it is slow to compute LOOs it would be useful to be able to do it in parallel. Maybe through the future package.


In epidemiology we are concerned with the selection of confounders. One way to select confounders for an exposure is to fit a full model (reference model) with all potential confounders...


I confused discussions I had with @florianhartig on Twitter and put this into wrong issue, when a new one would have been appropriate. > I think this is sort of...

An overall test of independence of errors could be a test of bivariate uniformity of the rank transformed predicted values versus standardized residuals. Maybe an idea to implement this in...


Is it possible to memoise the magrittr pipe `%>%`? Just as-is it doesn't seem to work, see reprex: ``` r library(dplyr) #> #> Attaching package: 'dplyr' #> The following objects...

As this is a feature that is being worked on. (seen it stated somewhere anyway) I would like to present a workaround until it is available natively in ggiraph. ```...

A etafull token, printing the ETA in HMS format, would be useful. Quite often eta is too crude when the running time is a bit longer.

Please place an "x" in all the boxes that apply --------------------------------------------- - [x] I have the most recent version of poppr and R - [ ] I have found a...

While `brms` allows for variable truncation bounds, it struggles with untruncated observations, notably when bounds are set to extremes like `-Inf` and `Inf` in Gaussian distributions. This issue seems related...


3.0 is now slowly rolling out. The version number is