Tekkie Dad

Results 13 comments of Tekkie Dad

Any updates? Current version still has no access to the preheat plugin. This would be awesome to get working!!

I will post context of use on the other ticket thread....

Did you ever get this working? Do you still need help?

I know this is an old topic, but i am running into the same issues... I have S3D 4.1.2 - OctoPrint 1.3.11 running on OctoPi 0.15.1 - And plugin v...

[Z_Rail.txt](https://github.com/paukstelis/Octoprint-Cancelobject/files/3618189/Z_Rail.txt) Here is the last gcode i had it convert... i just change the extension so it would upload.

Using chrome, like always... i do not see any errors.. and can print normal... where do i go for the browser console? what do you need me to send?

[octopi4.local-1568671810805.log](https://github.com/paukstelis/Octoprint-Cancelobject/files/3618405/octopi4.local-1568671810805.log) This is from the browser panel you stated... hopefully it is what your asking about.


Just wondering if you had any Ideas.... I am thinking of doing a complete fresh install to see if i can find the issue. I have one pi instance that...

gmail uses port 465 and SSL... Change it and test again... you may also need to go into your gmail settings and allow "less secured" sources...