[SGE] - Added Addersgall Overflow Protection to ST and AoE DPS paths. Can choose 1-3 gauge to use. [BLU] - Fixed the flute opener not using oGCDs at the correct...
When synced to 34 (no Dread Maw), Advanced AoE with Noxious Gash enabled, the combo will get stuck until Noxious Gash is applied from Dread Fangs (single target).
Basically the title - if you're running around and enemy doesn't have bio, it'll keep using Ruin II instead of Biolysis > Ruin II.
This hasn't worked since 6.4 - any plans for an update?
RPR now works with lvl 96 Executioner stacks RPR can choose if they want rear or flank to light up first, when no enhanced gallows/gibbet buff SAM meikyo option works...