Sriram Pingali
Sriram Pingali
Hey! Thanks for a great resource! I recently tried my hand at reinforcement learning algorithms. Ranging from value-based methods, policy-based methods and actor-critic algorithms. I'll be honored to contribute to...
Thanks for the Code! I was using the model for a custom dataset (IAM Dataset for Hand written texts), and therefore wrote a custom Dataset class for train_loader which gives...
Hey! I tried running the setup, but for some reason, the CMake isn't working for build_compressor and build_dynet. Multiple cudnn based errors turn up. For e.g. undefined reference to `cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithm'...
Cunning like a fox applies only before the exam. Double standards can apply after the exam 😉. Share the resources (Youtube, Blogs, Textbooks) which helped you ace the test to...
We all know the tedious form at the end of semester are full of lies and a waste of time. Give the next generations your unbiased, anonymous input instead!
Notes in the current repo might be obsolete. It'll be great if the "Note keepers" from the respective years keep posting their notes, and stamp their name in IITPs Hall...