@ashie request to please let me know if any workaround or remediations available for this unresponsive nature of td-agent issue. Thanks in advance.
@ashie Thanks for the response. here are the extracted sigdmp files from two instances. Please verify and let me know if you find any issues [sigdmp1.txt]( [sigdmp2.txt]( Please let me...
@ashie did you get any chance to go thorough the above sigdmp files? Please let me know if you need any further details here to identify the issue.
[sigdump-L2G.log]( [sigdump-N3S.log]( @ashie Please find the attached sigdmps of worker nodes. Please verify and let me know if any information is needed.
> [sigdump-L2G.log]( [sigdump-N3S.log]( @ashie Please find the attached sigdmps of worker nodes. Please verify and let me know if any information is needed. @ashie Can you verify these files and...
> It seems that fluentd process isn't stuck, probably it's just waiting next line. Now I've noticed that you are using multiline parser. In this case, in_tail won't emit event...
> > It seems that fluentd process isn't stuck, probably it's just waiting next line. Now I've noticed that you are using multiline parser. In this case, in_tail won't emit...
HI All, We are facing a similar kind of issue where the td-agent.log & .pos files are not updating properly. In some cases , failing after when log rotation occurs,...
> > > It seems that fluentd process isn't stuck, probably it's just waiting next line. Now I've noticed that you are using multiline parser. In this case, in_tail won't...
@ashie can we get any update on this.. is there any fix from the product end.. we still face this issue and seem the log rotate file issue..