Sreyan Ghosh
Sreyan Ghosh
Hi @fchollet, This is part of my GSoC 2022 contribution. Hope you can review it and comment! Thank You so much!
Hi @fchollet, This is part of my GSoC 2022 contribution. Hope you can review it and comment! Thank You so much!
Thank You for the reply. My mentor is @vasudevgupta7 I don't have any more teammates in my project and I am the solo contributor.
Hi @fchollet , Thank You so much for the reply and initial comments! Really appreciate it and I will incorporate the changes as suggested. > In general there is rather...
Hi @fchollet , I think you can merge this now! I was also hoping if you could review my other PRs! Thank You again for your time!
> > cla/google Failing after 2s — ❌ Missing CLA from one or more contributors > > Please sign the CLA! > > Sorry for the delay in reviewing --...
Hi @fchollet, This is part of my GSoC 2022 contribution. Hope you can review it and comment! Thank You so much!
Hi @fchollet , Thank You for the comments. I have made some changes to the evaluation metric and optimizer, please let me know if this suits well to needs!
Hi @fchollet , Done adding the files! Thank You again for the time!
Hi @arxyzan , Thank you for the reply. I also had the question if the code worked (till backprop while pre-training from your end). I made some hacks for the...