Thanks for the effort put into it. Is it known when the new libvips version is coming out? Alternatively, is there a possibility of a backport to an older version?...
To add to this idea, generating a csv report would also be useful. More usable format for automation.
I get the same message if I try using the Java configuration: `config.getNetworkConfig().getJoin().getKubernetesConfig().setProperty("service-name", "my-service-name");`
I checked the environment variables as you described: HZ_NETWORK_JOIN_KUBERNETES_SERVICENAME=my-service-name HZ_NETWORK_JOIN_MULTICAST_ENABLED=false HZ_NETWORK_JOIN_KUBERNETES_ENABLED=true however I am still getting in the logs. Is there anything else I might be doing wrong?
Yes. as you can see in the second image the datetimes are set. I even debugged to make sure that they are indeed passed into the method. Setting `USE_TZ=True` did...
Also looking for this feature. Generating a one time recovery code is sorely needed.
does anyone know what the status of this is? Feels like a key feature.
i would really like if facebook integration was available! its the only thing preventing me from using this as it stands!