@wandersonpereira I have set the `headless:true ` and configured the alb load balencer instead of nignx with the help of ELB Ingress controller Now I am to Access the UI...
@wandersonpereira Now my cluster is up and running *********** With OIDC Enabled ******************** For Auth I have used the AWS Cognito (For OIDC) For ingress I have used the :...
please have a look here: this is the issue i am facing now without OIDC scenario.
Hi Are the Managed Users are getting created for you, can you please confirm how or which user you are using to login Into Nifi UI. appreciate your response.
@wandersonpereira I have followed the same exact approach for user creation but they are not getting created. atleast nifikop says it created but the user is not there in Nificluster...