> I may have figured out a workaround just now. in the "patcher.py" file I added "import secrets" at the top and then changed: from: prefix = 'undetected' > >...
Did you get it sorted? I'm having the same problem. Cloned the repo using Github Desktop Ran config.py once to generate config.ini Replaced jackett_apikey & apikey with my jackett API...
Hey man. Sure thing - here you go. I'm on Windows 10 x64 - tried double clicking on add_indexer.py to run it. [default] jackett_apikey = ~~MYAPI_FROM_JACKETTKEY~~ jackett_url = indexer_prefix...
So I got `make pipenv-install` & `make run` to work, however it's giving me another error now. Am I suppose to change the URLs in the config.ini file?  **Config...
Just checking to see if you had a chance to read my last comment?