
Results 5 comments of Xuefen

Hi, shaoxiong~ I've read your code, it's nice, but I still cannot figure out this line in your Readme.md: "The scripts will be slow without the implementation of parallel computing."...

Your experimental results make sense. In Non-iid scenario, too much local training does harm to the generalization of the global model of FedAvg.

> Hi! We have released GGUF versions of the models and look forward to someone giving it a try :) > > https://huggingface.co/xtuner/llava-llama-3-8b-v1_1-gguf Oh Thank you Grla : ) I...

Thank you for your quick response after the May Day holidy πŸ‘πŸ» I'll have a look!

Hi friend, I guess you may consider switching a lower learning rate when conducting your SFT.