Jim Huang
Jim Huang
You should set the browser by `let g:leetcode_browser = 'firefox'`.Because the value is a string!
Oh,I know.And I also met the problem.I think maybe the dependence is wrong or the source codes can't use now.
OK, I'll add it later.
I think list all the commands in README may be not very readable, I'll add this issue's link in README, You can put the commands here. And thanks for your...
Now, because of the bug of `mplayer`, the original player change to `mpv`.
> [Netease-Cloud-Music]: The repeat mode is in the initialization state. when you start playing song, it’ll be set. [11 times] > > repeat mode dont work > when I press...
这个问题我今天刚好遇到,是获取当前光标下歌曲时忘了指定 `*Netease-Cloud-Music*` buffer 了,最新版本应该没有这个问题了,你试试看。
`(require 'delsel)` 配置里加入这个语句试试?
这个目前可能要等待一下,此前我有写过 Rust 的 API 访问后端,因学业原因缺乏时间,还在调试阶段,我争取春节期间发布新版本。
此前的 tutorial 写得挺早的,确实不太全面。因为目前这个插件基本只有我以个人用,所以就没怎么补充过。 我后面抽点时间重新写一份吧,顺便简单重构一下代码。