### FAQ - [X] I have checked the [FAQ](https://github.com/hrsh7th/nvim-cmp/blob/main/doc/cmp.txt) and it didn't resolve my problem. ### Announcement - [X] I have checked [Breaking change announcement](https://github.com/hrsh7th/nvim-cmp/issues/231). ### Minimal reproducible full config...
Is there a way to change font and font size? It would be very useful to change font in order to use some special character or glyph.
I would like to be able to simultaneously send a command to each open nvim instance under a same dir. E.g. when i open nvim it spawns an instance within...
Added ability to change CursorLineSignMark color by adding `SignatureMarkCulHL` and `SignatureMarkerCulHL ` highlight and `g:SignatureMarkCulHL` and `g:SignatureMarkerCulHL ` variable in **autoload/signature/sign.vim** Also added `g:SignatureMarkCulHL ` and `g:SignatureMarkerCulHL ` variables inizialization...
When I have only one window open moves smooth and is responsive, but once I open a window splitted vertically the cursor slow down a lot. This is my configuration:...
- os: MacOS - `lsd --version`: lsd 1.0.0 - `echo $TERM`: xterm-kittyCO - `echo $LS_COLORS`: di=1;36:ln=35:so=32:pi=33:ex=31:bd=34;46:cd=34;43:su=30;41:sg=30;46:tw=30;42:ow=30;43 ## Expected behavior In classic ls there is an option (-C) to force multi-column...
That's what happens: let's say I'm editing two files: file_A and file_B and I open Goyo mode in the file_A at line 134. Then I move the cursor at line...
**Describe the bug** When i open neovim without files (just nvim command) i get dashboard plugin completely working, but if i try to call :help command from within this screen...