Vladislav Vishnyakov
Vladislav Vishnyakov
I want to port Chuwi HiBook firmware to work with mainline kernel. I found this https://github.com/torvalds/linux/pull/428/commits/4ca4d58dbccd66baa575f504c67261fdf2900371 It is pretty self-explanatory, but I can't find any info about naming scheme of...
I have a Chuwi HiBook tablet 2-in-1 with Intel z8300 (cherrytrail). How can I figure out what UCM should I use?
Hello! Recently I bought some of this ITAG BLE devices and cannot connect to Beaconloc. Are they supported?  P.S. itracing2 (https://github.com/sylvek/itracing2) has support for these beacons, but...
Appimage is cool, but flatpak gives sandboxing and update mechanism. Any ideas about packaging in flatpak?
Any ideas to support raspberry pi gpio toggle a pin (switch a relay, for example)? This can be used instead of CEC, standby, etc.
On old project page (https://github.com/dword1511/serprog-stm32vcp) it is said that "Support LPC / FWH flash via parallel programming. [WIP]" but that about stm32-vserprog? Does it support LPC/FWH at hte moment?
As usual add STM32SD library to project and try to compile. Error message: ```.pio/libdeps/black_f407ve/FatFs/src/drivers/sd_diskio.c: In function 'SD_ioctl': .pio/libdeps/black_f407ve/FatFs/src/drivers/sd_diskio.c:240:3: error: unknown type name 'BSP_SD_CardInfo'; did you mean 'SD_CardInfo'? 240 | BSP_SD_CardInfo...