I tried but nothing new!
Ok thks it's not hurried....
Hi mtyka, I updated your addon for blender2.90+ I tested it with blender2.93, 3.2, 3.3 and now no problem! Here is the link: https://mega.nz/file/h9JGSZoK#jIqCZU_Vbsu5J2vwGkt6Xajkngn6t1doEkiJiQ_idrQ
> Thanks @Spirou4D you're a legend! Didn't realise the = needed to be swapped in each of the attractor classes. Googyflip, here was the solution: https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/256472/type-error-unsupported-operand-types-for-propertydeferred-and-int-assistance
Ok Andrea, no problem! I begin tomorow.... At soon Patrick D. --- Patrick DepoixArchitecte D.P.L.G.Historien-chercheur en histoire de l'ArchitectureEx-Maître de conférence de l'Ecole d'Architecture de Lille-Région NordSitArchi-ReaderNewS http://www.google.com/reader/shared/user%2F04161245489718164963%2Fstate%2Fcom.google%2Fstarred http://www.linkedin.com/pub/patrick-depoix/40/b3b/542136, rue...
Hi Andrea, French translation made! But there are yet a lot of words to translate in PhotoFlow.... Tryed on my PhotoFlow development branch v0.2.6-pre
2016-08-31 10:09 GMT+02:00 aferrero2707 [email protected]: > @Spirou4D https://github.com/Spirou4D: where can I find the updated > French translations .po file? > Thanks! > > I have open your github .po page...
Ok, now. --- Patrick DepoixArchitecte D.P.L.G.Historien-chercheur en histoire de l'ArchitectureEx-Maître de conférence de l'Ecole d'Architecture de Lille-Région NordSitArchi-ReaderNewS http://www.google.com/reader/shared/user%2F04161245489718164963%2Fstate%2Fcom.google%2Fstarred http://www.linkedin.com/pub/patrick-depoix/40/b3b/542136, rue d'Esquermes59000 LilleFranceTel (+33/0) 952 51 33 25Port (+33/0) 06...
With pleasure, Andrea. there are yet a lot of work..... --- Patrick DepoixArchitecte D.P.L.G.Historien-chercheur en histoire de l'ArchitectureEx-Maître de conférence de l'Ecole d'Architecture de Lille-Région NordSitArchi-ReaderNewS http://www.google.com/reader/shared/user%2F04161245489718164963%2Fstate%2Fcom.google%2Fstarred http://www.linkedin.com/pub/patrick-depoix/40/b3b/542136, rue d'Esquermes59000...
Very good Andrea! But i have a question: Why there are yet a lot of words not translated, please? --- Patrick DepoixArchitecte D.P.L.G.Historien-chercheur en histoire de l'ArchitectureEx-Maître de conférence de...