Felix Uhl

Results 7 issues of Felix Uhl

[G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE](https://developer.gnome.org/gobject/stable/gobject-Type-Information.html#G-TYPE-INSTANCE-GET-PRIVATE:CAPS) has been deprecated since GTK version 2.58 and should not be used anymore. It needs to be replace by [G_ADD_PRIVATE](https://developer.gnome.org/gobject/stable/gobject-Type-Information.html#G-ADD-PRIVATE:CAPS) and the generated `your_type_get_instance_private()`

Small patch to make the code ISO-C standard conforming.

The roadmap says "(yes, we would appreciate if some one contribute automake scripts)". This is a first first contribution of automake scripts. Please check if all features you desire are...

In the File `dbcsr_api_c.F` in the subroutine `c_free_string` the intrinsic subroutine `c_f_pointer` is called: `CALL c_f_pointer(c_string, string)`. The second argument is declared as `CHARACTER(:, kind=c_char), POINTER :: string`. The Fortran...

Hi all, I'm running a Xubuntu 20.04.5 LTS with an OpenMPI 4.0.3, which was installed via the package manager. I also used a the 5.0.x branch of OpenMPI, which I...

the `fortran_example.F90` in the `fortran` folder has the wrong compiler in the Makefile.in ``` fortran_example: fortran_example.o libint_f.o $(LTLINK) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(COMPUTE_LIB) $(SYSLIBS) $(FCLIBS) -o $@ $^ ``` Some compilers...

All BMs give only a single number as output for validating the computational result, except the Sudoku one, which spits out the solved sudokus several times. This might slow down...