
Results 24 comments of Spikeophant

Without visibility into the actual TF plan I cannot help. This error would more than likely still occur if you ran the TF plan manually without wrapping with python-terraform, I...

At a glance the output for IP is incorrect, you need to use a valid identifier. If you run this plan with Terraform directly do you get the same error?

I will put a test together and take a deeper look, I don't see anything offhand that would be causing this unless they changed something in TF 0.12.10.

Correct he is no longer maintaining this. I was maintaining for a while but my time to focus on this is pretty small, I no longer use it at work...

I thought it might be worthwhile to note here for remote state with the release of Terraform 0.12 we'll be able to retrieve the remote state in JSON format, making...

Thanks for this report, I will do some work around cleaning up tmp in the case of errors.

Yes this does happen, I will look at a fix.

I will address this in the rewrite I am going to do soon. If you'd like to help with the rewrite, or even planning for the rewrite let me know.

Sure submit a PR I'll review.

If you are talking about when running a plan, yes. See: https://www.terraform.io/docs/commands/plan.html On that page: 2 = Succeeded with non-empty diff (changes present)