Richard Spenceley

Results 6 comments of Richard Spenceley

@airesvsg to the URL for the API, yes. So when visiting > /wp-json/wp/v2/posts I want to be able to filter that down by some of the ACF fields, in this...

@ChandanChainani if you look though, the state is coming through as `sleeping`. I have the same issue where the state in my `after` callback is the original state using (basically)...

@fahadsgalaxy Synology reverse proxy The first part refers to how you're planning on accessing NZBget Hostname: whatever URL you've set up in your domains DNS that you're expecting to go...

@willstocks-tech just a quick thing, did you manage to get anywhere with this? I've got a similar setup and am trying to get the images to upload to the S3...

> I think I got the webp conversion to work and upload to S3, but rewriting the URL in my content where an image did exist as a webp I...

@gustavodiel so we've tried doing exactly what you did, and we get two problems 1. The file ends up going to `db/data/Users/spence1115/git/.../engines/some_engine/db/data/20230301021917_populate_thing.rb` 2. It seems to always only pick up...