I am using the newest version of FBCTF on Ubuntu 16.04. On the scoreboard, the graph is not there. It seems like it should be there due to the presence...
I have added the functionality that all of the levels get enabled when the user clicks the "begin game" button.
If I start the game the start button on the admin page will not change until I reload the page. The same thing happens for any field / button that...
I would like to be able to "check" multiple countries and change them all to enabled or disabled at once. Also it would be cool if I could change the...
When I click reset database and yes the window does not automatically close
I am using the latest version of FBCTF and set the event start and end time and date in the schedule. When I open the page with the countdown it...
The admin page has a field called server time. This field does not live update. It only updates when I reload the page.
I would like it if CTFd would automatically remove the blank spaces after all flags and categories in the entry process. **Environment**: - CTFd Version: 2.0.3 - Operating System: Ubuntu...