
Results 49 issues of SpaceManiac

For languages with error handling facilities, it would be useful to be able to capture messages output to `sf::err()` from CSFML. I suggest an API like: ``` C sfErrorCapture* sfErrorCapture_start();...


I use pygit2 in a Python tool which is distributed to non-programmers on Windows. Every new Python release, I get support requests from people who installed the latest Python version...

List of things I want to get done to document Glowstone as a project. For code documentation (javadocs), see #96. Encouraging contributions: - [x] Friendly "How to help" page: Code,...


A list of all events and in what manner they are implemented in Glowstone. Events checked off here are emitted by Glowstone in what is believed to be all appropriate...


**Work is currently happening on the [scoreboard branch](** Note: the `scoreboard` branch is on 1.8, but the scoreboard packets are not yet updated for 1.8. The scoreboard API (`org.bukkit.scoreboard`) should...


World generation is fairly bleh right now and does not feature biomes. It also does not use the updated generation API. The optimal solution to rectify this would be: -...


Basic inventory is already implemented. Get crafting working as well as smelting and chests. Edit by turt2live (thanks to @dequis): GUIs: - [ ] Anvil - [ ] Beacon -...


kookster on IRC recommends this list of (somewhat vaguely worded) common hacks that could be mitigated by GS core: - moving faster then you should be able too while running/walking/flying/riding...


While some achievement support exists, persistence support and the conditions for obtaining achievements ought to be implemented. Similarly, persistence for statistics (stored in the same place) and conditions for incrementing...


Redstone is not currently supported in any capacity. This should happen at some point. - [ ] GlowBlock supports redstone methods - [ ] Redstone wire should transfer current as...
