Guo Xun
Guo Xun
@RomeroBarata Hello, can you share a google drive link for cad120 dataset? The official website of cad120 seems to be closed. I want to do some research on the dataset....
@CamilleMaurice Hello, can you share a google drive link for cad120 dataset? The official website of cad120 seems to be closed. I want to do some research on the dataset....
@sophia-wright-blue hello, can you share a link to download cad120 dataset ? The official link was closed, and I want to do some experiments on CAD120, Thanks a lot!
@mytk2012 hello, can u share a link for cad-120 dataset ? The official website was closed. I need the dataset urgently. Thanks a lot.
> 你好, > > 我使用你分享的权重在200张测试集上预测结果并提交比赛网站后,得分是0.27左右,我想了一下午也没有找到哪里出问题了,所以向你请教下这是什么原因? 请问你是如何生成比赛所要求提交的csv文件的?
> 0.27的原因在前面说了 把默认的soft-nms注释掉 用普通的nms即可 哦哦,那请问如何生成提交的csv文件?