There you go sir [Black Knight 2000 BUG]( .
You can hear on channel 5 that on deflemask de portamento is completed, while in Furnace is not, if you change speed values to 2/3 instead of 3/2 Everything works...
Oh man... please don't add this type of features tu furnace... I understand that you work on your DAW, but isn't it better to make furnace more confortable to work...
Fun is learning and writing, not stealing and replacing, something very common on most "remixes" found on youtube. It's the effort that makes it fun.
Are suggestions still been accepted here? I just wanted to know if Super Nes is going to be added.
man... i can't stop loving this project...after making music for some years with deflemask and having very little response and new features... I just can't thank this team enough.... this...
Is it possible to use a midi keyboard knobs to control FM instruments values?
Sorry that was an error when I wrote, it's effect 3, portamento to note. Anyways, it is not ideal to "replace" to fix something, that's not how you fix bugs....