Petr Šťastný

Results 9 comments of Petr Šťastný

@rikvdkleij is this project still alive, and does it makes sense to contribute? I'm currently slowly starting to look for a project for my bachelor's work, and this might potentially...

Glad you like it :D I still find it unbelievable that people actually write that huge sed scripts, instead to trying at least awk or something similar. But yeah, then...

(which reminds me, I should probably finally rewrite the parser to properly handle literal newlines in regex patterns. It sometimes confuses the whole parser :smile:)

Thank you for this report! While your case is fixed by 5161e31, this issue goes deeper. It looks like I don't handle sed commands with newlines very well. I'll rewrite...

One way: if we loaded output from sed asynchronously, we could just stop reading after `n` states. This would also enable user to nicely debug where and why is the...

How is it going @yshrsmz ? Can I use the `sha512.dart` file in my project, is it ready?

I would like to access list elements via substitution (so something like `${my.list[4]}`), this feature would help me as well.

A workaround has been found: ```py from typing import * from pydantic import BaseModel class BaseFoo: pass AnyBaseFoo = TypeVar("AnyBaseFoo", bound="BaseFoo") class Foo(BaseModel, Generic[AnyBaseFoo]): pass ``` Declaring the `TypeVar` anywhere...