
Results 28 comments of Solitude

Void Linux

yes, exactly that. maybe thats a problem in my setup.

strange, it fails to build with same `make` error even with xbps-src

2 other people on void tried building it and got exact same error. are you sure your void install is up-to-date? this might be a void's issue, but still

here are the outputs from cmake and make with `debug` flags. void-live-* images should work.

[gintro]( has VTE wrapper

why is that an option instead of separate command?

`$XDG_DATA_HOME` or `.local/share`

This happens in git repository without any commits. So, if you `git init`, you cant build your project untill you make initial commit.

nimble develop symlinks current package directory to nimble packages so you can use local version of the library. what should it do for binary packages?