Results 7 issues of Artem

Just wanted to share with you and others who use the package that Unity considers adding hierarchy folders as a built-in feature. You can tell Unity why it is important...

Since .NET 4.5, read-only collection interfaces in the System namespace are covariant (`IReadOnlyList`, `IReadOnlyCollection`). Can we make `IReadOnlyReactiveCollection` covariant too? I don't see a reason not to have it this...

Implements issue #262 - made WhenAnyPromise and WhenAllPromise classes partial - added constructors with 2-15 arguments to WhenAnyPromise and WhenAllPromise - added UniTask.WhenAny(UniTask) and UniTask.WhenAll(UniTask) overloads with 2-15 arguments using...


To overcome an issue with the inability to use internal generic UnityEngine.Objects, I tried adding the IgnoresAccessChecksTo attribute when emitting assemblies. This seems to be working at least for [these...

help wanted

Currently, RoslynAnalyzers is referenced in every project generated by Unity. When I add a package or asset that has code in its own assembly, Unity generates a project for it...

**Describe the bug** When a DLL of an assembly definition is added to assemblies included in Reflection Baking, the DLL gets broken and is not executed. **To Reproduce** Steps to...

Hi, thanks for a great plugin! It certainly made using UI Toolkit easier. When testing it out, I noticed I don't use all of the visual elements that are generated...