I have a similar issue with pi camera 3 noIR, grey preview screen, what I find very confusing on this OS image is that it does not seem to have...
> so i don't know if this is the same issue for you guys, but I could see in the logs /var/motioneye/ that I was getting an error that sounded...
Pi zero W Linux raspberrypi 6.1.21+ #1642 Mon Apr 3 17:19:14 BST 2023 armv6l GNU/Linux pi camera 3 wide noIR thank you for the detailed instructions. I do however face...
> my recommendation would be to start fresh, flash the latest RaspbianLite to your Pi zero W and follow these: I can confirm that those steps plus the stop...
> > my recommendation would be to start fresh, flash the latest RaspbianLite to your Pi zero W and follow these: I can confirm that those steps plus the...
> sudo apt-get install libssl-dev alas, still no success. I did not run into compilation issues but nevertheless installed the additional packages, rebooted and added 3 different setups of camera/codec...
@xXAzazelXx I just remebered that before I could get the Pi camera 3 to work in a GUI terminal window, I had to specify a tuning file located under /usr/share/libcamera/ipa/rpi/vc4....
where do you enter the commands: at the Pi command line or in Home Assistant (where precisely please)? I got as far as starting the app but nothing seems to...