Ok, the docker file system was actually harder to figure out than I thought, but I got the rudimentary gist of it... []( em
So sincere apologies, as I'm feeling extremely ignorant. I'm not sure where to go with anything you wrote me. Step 1, I'm going to have to read up on how...
Sorry guys, I was out of town for Thanksgiving, but back at it... Thanks hit the nail on the head. So good news, I think... and I feel stupid...
Ok, good news. Took a different approach based on your guidance. Loaded on a Rpi 3+ and moved it closer to the Accurite sensors, and it began reading them. I...
Disregard above...figured it out. In Kyle's yaml files, he mentions... ``` binary_sensor: - platform: mqtt state_topic: rtl_433/Acurite-986/54321/battery_ok json_attributes_topic: rtl_433/Acurite-986/54321 ``` I assumed the 54321 was some code reference, but in...
So things have been working great until today. Started getting SDR Healthcheck notification from Home Asst related to the Laundry Freezer sensor (Id 59755). As I started debugging the problem,...
I popped out several times during my diagnosis. The batteries were new in December, but I took the liberty to change them now. Crap! I didn't realize the sensor ID...