I'm having the same problem. I've tried modifying 'overwriteprotocol' and 'overwritehost' in config.php, as some of others on the web have been indicating, but with no joy. Access via a...
I would get no results (see attached). I expected to have TPMS sensors, my outdoor LaCrosse temp sensors, etc...but would get nothing. But if I would go remove and replace...
apologies, I tried attaching to my gmail email...let see if I can drag/drop in Github...
Ok, I ran the command for couple of minutes and got this.. . How do I interpret this?
I think something must be wrong with my device or my understanding of how it works. I loaded CubicSDR on another MacBook running Catalina, and plugged the SDR in. It...
Ok, quick update...for giggles, I disconnected the USB extension cable and plugged it in directly, and it came up. CubicSDR was able to see the device and I tuned to...
OK, well I found a usb extension cable in my stock (that we all have) and it worked on CubicSDR. I plugged it in my Ubuntu/docker setup and nada... Thoughts?
BTW, when I plugged it in with my other MacBook running CubicSDR, I tuned to the 433.92Mhz channel and would see a pulse every 30 seconds or so. So I...
So, I don't know what's with this or what else to do to troubleshoot it. I have a lot of old Mac's that I've been having good luck repurposing and...
Absolutely! And I'd pee on a electrical outlet right now if you think it would work, but I'm embarrassed to say that I'm new to docker, and struggling with syntax...