
Results 7 issues of M_l3oy

My model have 4 classes and I follow training on this source : https://github.com/mive93/pytorch-ssd. I test a simple on jetson nano it work around 12fps and output 2 folder layers...

I try to build it on windows but what I meet a issue. CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:91 (find_package): By not providing "Findyaml-cpp.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has asked CMake to...

![image](https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet/assets/61908603/3956eb1c-f1c4-4e9c-9643-0971a05785e5) Hello, I want to build yolo in Windows 11 and this is what I get an issue. I already build opencv with CUDA successfully and already added a path...

Hello, I follow your project and then test "roslaunch ros_deep_learning detectnet.ros1.launch input:=csi://0 output:=display://0" working well and using "rostopic echo /detectnet/detections" is working too on a single machine is Jetson nano....

../Makefile.config:26: CUDA_INSTALL_DIR variable is not specified, using /usr/local/cuda by default, use CUDA_INSTALL_DIR= to change. ../Makefile.config:31: CUDNN_INSTALL_DIR variable is not specified, using /usr/local/cuda by default, use CUDNN_INSTALL_DIR= to change. ../Makefile.config:44: TRT_LIB_DIR...