Soham Tilekar
Soham Tilekar
In Moviepy any set method is not Working. [Full Bug and Way Around]( #2084 Temp Way Around. `audio.duration = video.duration or # Your Duration`
Use py version 3.8 it will be fixed. Or there is problem with the codec which is used.
@koorukuroo The v2.0.0.dev2 Have Some Bugs. some incomplete features. you should ose the older version of the python.
> Tell the example usages.
Do You know how to get the transparent video.
Could You Give the Example Commands for the FFMPEG.
Dose It Remains Stuck or Not. Plese provide the module Version, python version, etc.
It is not the Bug Your Code is Wrong Close the issue Problematic code: - you provide the TTS_OUTPUT_SAMPLERATE while crating AudioArrayClip **instead of the _TTS_INPUT_SAMPLERATE_** ``` audio = AudioArrayClip(wav,...
Thanks for the GIF issue solving but there are more Issues with the set_ methods and also with the CompositeVideoClip the CompositeVideoClip Put the Video over each other instead of...
The CompositeVideoClip DO Not Work Properly. It Do not Position the Clips on each other properly. ``` with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.mp4', delete=False) as f: # Write the video content to the temporary...