
Results 18 comments of SoftExpert

Replacing ```go // Create custom listener ln, err := tls.Listen("tcp", ":7777", tlsCfg) if err != nil { // sentry.CaptureException(err) panic(err) } if err = app.Listener(ln); err != nil { log.Fatal(err)...

I don't know if it is related, but on my AWS Linux server I get `panic: listen tcp :6443: bind: address already in use ` when Prefork is set to...

This means opening a separate issue, right ?

How about providing the possibility to configure which sound to use (specify a local path)? That way, everyone will be able to have the preferred sounds and you have no...

Hi Damir, While KSnip is getting better and better, it would be great to add this shape style - even without the transparency. Having several arrow styles would definitely make...

Hi Damir, I was thinking to this - how about supporting SVG defined arrows (loaded from external SVG files, configurable in the settings) - which would give everyone the possibility...

@DamirPorobic Humm, but why rotate it ? Just let the arrow's designer draw it in whatever position is needed, and then draw the SVG object ... Since in SVG we...

I played a bit with the colors of the standard icon to generate the Nightly icon - what do you think ? ![firefox-nightly-bin](

With the following [patch]( I was able to build OpenCV. The "Quick install" procedure does not allow to apply the patch, but the "Complete install" allows. At the end I...

Another crash that can be reproduced with the above example code: ``` Starting: /home/user/go/bin/dlv dap --check-go-version=false --listen= --log-dest=3 from /home/user/go/src/goCVbug DAP server listening at: Searching QRCode in [0620.jpg] terminate...