
Results 10 comments of 铝箔

同样问题。 1. 我当前的基本环境信息是 * 手机型号:红米闹腾4(redmi note 4) * Android 版本:7.1.2 (API25) Los 14.1-20180222-NIGHTLY-mido * Xposed 版本:89.2 (systemless)(magisk模块) * Wechat 版本:6.6.2 * Wechat Magician版本:2.8.0

~~严禁用于 Arch 安装(就像菠萝批萨一样)~~

我要Pull 一下......嗯......马上就Pull.......

https://github.com/Sodium-Aluminate/repeat-tutorial/network/members 于是开了一个复读repo。


> 什么事男性洗浴后裸体在接入电源适配器的Mac啊🤔 大概八年前有人在twitter上发自己洗完澡后身体某部位不慎碰到mac然后被电的事故。 _“我警告你们,刚洗完澡千万不要用湿着的身体碰插单相电源的Mac...”_

filesystem not writeable. via: [xda](https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/mount-system-as-rw-on-android-10-with-magisk-20-4.4081043/) | [topjohnwu](https://mobile.twitter.com/topjohnwu/status/1170404631865778177) maybe you should install magisk and save what you want to edit as a module?

sorry, I just realized that the arrow format should be synchronized with other arrow, close and modify later