Hey hi, Can you please update the library for the Warning: componentWillReceiveProps is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version. Use static getDerivedStateFromProps instead?
- Warning: Failed child context type: Invalid child context `virtualizedCell.cellKey` of type `number` supplied to `CellRenderer`, expected `string`. - Warning: componentWillReceiveProps is deprecated and will be removed in the next...
Hello Admin, Can you please updated for the following warnings. - Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop `initialPage` of type `string` supplied to `Gallery`, expected `number`. - Warning: Failed prop...
Hey, is there any possibility for the update of this library fro React Native 0.60? I tried everything but still getting the same error in iOS ![Screenshot 2019-08-20 at 12...
Hello Admin, Please update for the Warning: componentWillReceiveProps is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version. Use static getDerivedStateFromProps instead. I am using React Native 0.60.