Luban icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Luban copied to clipboard

An easy-to-use 3-in-1 software tailor-made for Snapmaker machines.

Results 225 Luban issues
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With model assigned to right extruder in Luban, support may be set to 'none', but it always reverts to 'normal' upon generating gcode. Affected Version: 4.8.0 Steps to reproduce the...

Type: Bug/Bug Fix

## Description Preset: Precise & Strong ![Image]( ![Image](

Type: Bug/Bug Fix

Luban Version 4.8.0 (and before) Is this a regression? (optional) Yes To Reproduce: If I start a laser job with Luban (via WiFi connection) Luban shows on the right top...

Type: Bug/Bug Fix

## Description A function to move the model on the Z-axis

Type: Feature
Category: 3DP

## Description Before scaling ![image]( After scaling Change in all three axes ![image](

State: Won't be fixed

## Description At some point scaling 1% is not enough and a smaller value is needed

Type: Improvement
Category: 3DP

## Description It is expected that a parameter search function will be added. This is due to the fact that the current parameter set of Luban is extremely large and...

Type: Feature

Request to add auto bed level before a print and the option to run the routine without having to redo the z offset. Having a menu added to show the...

Type: Feature

# 🐞 bug report I am trying to use the console to tweak the settings on the printer, but the console is only available until I connect to the printer!...

Type: Bug/Bug Fix
Category: Printer Control
Priority: High

## Description Supports laser engraving of tapered workpieces. ## Raw You can fully laser not only cylindrical objects in the 4-axis area, but also conical objects. For example, it is...

Type: Feature
Category: Laser