Luban icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Luban copied to clipboard

An easy-to-use 3-in-1 software tailor-made for Snapmaker machines.

Results 225 Luban issues
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Print Settings profiles should be specific to each filament type, or at least to each family of filament (ABS, PETG, PLA, ...). The default settings are suitable for PLA, but...

When opening an existing laser project file, the toolpath setting checkbox for „constant power mode“ is always shown as activated regardless of the saved value. It‘s possible to deactivate the...

# 🐞 4-Axis linked CNC: Parts of the model are sliced off ### Affected Version(s) The issue is caused by version 4.10.2 ### Is this a regression? (optional) This bug...

**Bug report** If I import a dxf file in Luban 4.6.3 it is always with the wrong scaling. It is shown as a very small object and I have to...

Type: Bug/Bug Fix
State: Needs Repro

Steps to Reproduce: 1. Reset Configuration 2. Laser 3-axis 3. Add Text 4. Generate Toolpath Stuck at 2%-8%

Type: Bug/Bug Fix
Category: Laser

# 🐞 bug report Luban fails serial connection to Snapmaker Original running both firmware 2.9 and 2.11. Items tested: - Swapped PC's - Swapped USB cable - Swapped "Brain" (have...

# 🐞 feature request ### Describe the improvements you'd like? 1- When using more then one bit between different carvings on the same G-Code file, pause before the next carving...

# 🐞 bug report ### Affected Version(s) The issue is caused by version 4.10.1 ### Is this a regression? (optional) Unsure - probably not ### To Reproduce Steps to reproduce...

Some tools such as Inkscape have the ability to hide elements or layers by setting the property _style="display:none"_ as in the following snippet generated from Inkscape: '

Type: Feature

# 🐞 Autoselect last used Workspace connection ### Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Just an annoying manual step ### Describe the solution you'd like? My...