Please Add this feature. BTW: The CI check is here on pending but in travis ist is marked as completed ???
That would be relly nice
> Why is it necessary to switch? Why does the size of a dependency matter? Because it kills trees. Think global : every Bit couts. It saves bandwith. So ist...
Same Problem for me. Testet Version 1.5 and 1.6. Maybe it is because of Windows 10. Because I never had problems with Windows 7
Can you tell me the target of the symlink feature? Should there be a symlink in the targetfolder pointing to the original symlink target. Or a realfile with the name...
Would love to do that as a hacktoberfest project. Including a msi Installer. So could you prepare a hacktoberfest label on that issue and assign me. :-)
Sorry but can anyone put this all together in an example. My javascript skills are very limited. Sorry.
``` function HasFace($file) { $fd = new svay\FaceDetector(); $fd->faceDetect($file); if (is_null($fd->getFace())) { return false; } else { return true; } } ```