Olivier Smith
Olivier Smith
At present, the CNTi Test Suite cert command executes all tests (Essential, Normal, and Bonus). A feature (or parameter) that allowed an end user to specify the execution of Essential...
When trying to execute the cert essential command, the job never completes. It may pertain to either sig_term_handled, zombie_handled, or specialized_init_system. The logging doesn't appear to indicate where it gets...
**Describe the bug** Prior to release 1.2.0, it was possible to execute the cert command and excluding specific tests (e.g. Cert ~testname). We have noticed that this no longer works....
With the formation of CNTi under LFN, there is a need to update the CONTRIBUTORS.MD so that it is more accurate. https://github.com/cnti-testcatalog/testsuite/blob/5e226f4a763b27edc9f04e3df4660185fb314dbb/CONTRIBUTORS.md If your name is MISSING and you would...
The CNTi TSC decided that PRs for the test suite are only to be merged upon approval by a minimum of 3 contributors coming from at least 2 different companies....
Execute the CNTi 2.0 Beta Certification: 1) Successfully pass the Essential Tests 2) Review our existing documentation and identify any issues that need correcting in our documentation
With the formation of CNTi under LFN, there is a need to update the CONTRIBUTORS.MD so that it is more accurate. https://github.com/lfn-cnti/certification/blob/3cca4001618dbb5138e76087557f7ffcb4b28bfe/CONTRIBUTORS.md If your name is MISSING and you would...
Review and update test documentation in https://github.com/cnti-testcatalog/testsuite/blob/main/docs/TEST_DOCUMENTATION.md The documentation below has been removed from the Certification repo in the interest of reducing duplication of efforts. The Test Suite is where...