solved! use InfiniteScroll component as parent Div
You can add in CSS file .., work for me And you can change CSS style as per your requirements .infinite-scroll-component { background-color: #ffff; scrollbar-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) #ffff;...
> Hi, i'm having trouble trying to style the scrollbar. I have tried styling it with webkit in the style props but it does not work. Any ideas on how...
Please check this file 1.Node Model this.addPort(new RJD.DefaultPortModel(false, 'output', '')); this.addPort(new RJD.DefaultPortModel(true, 'input', '')); getInPort() { return this.ports.input; } getOutPort() { return this.ports.output; } 2.Node Widgets getInPort() { const {...
note : OutputNodeModel should be your object name
ok do you have any suggestion for below query when i click on node add new node on canvas lilke i click on connection node add new connection node on...