nvim-navic icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
nvim-navic copied to clipboard

Simple winbar/statusline plugin that shows your current code context

Results 27 nvim-navic issues
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This is the output when i set `highlight = true`: ![true](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/87190231/179276706-5f392989-ebea-4764-8bcc-4c60955d2135.png) Otherwise when `highlight = false`, it seems worked like normal ![false](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/87190231/179277148-04c28b11-7448-4986-afb5-3d41231b528b.png) And this is my config ``` use{'SmiteshP/nvim-navic',event =...

This PR adds support for SymbolInformation symbols and simplifies the context update logic. SymbolInformation symbols are parsed using the existing logic, then augmented with hierarchical information by examining their positional...

I've seen some people (including myself) struggling with the output value of `get_location` not being up to date on certain events (e.g. `CursorMoved`). This does fix the issue but I'm...

I was wondering why the need for separate color highlight group and require separate theme support/manually defined colors, when everything has a 1-1 correspondence with Treesitter symbols. Otherwise if color...

![Screenshot from 2022-07-15 17-52-19](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/42970959/179222173-230c0c64-7335-4741-917e-251058f9eb7c.png) As shown in the above image, There is a last character to which the highlight isn't applied to. Moreover, it seems to apply some other color....

A frequently reported issue, which I've run into myself, is the "x does not support documentSymbols" error popping up every time an editor is opened (#2, #5, #7, #15, #22,...

help wanted

So apologies if this has been explained elsewhere, or this is not an issue with this plugin as it seems, but I couldn't find any reference to it. I am...

Fix https://github.com/utilyre/barbecue.nvim/issues/2.

Is it possible to integrate this plugin with `coc.nvim`? I prefer this one over the builtin LSP.

help wanted

This adds the scope data which include the line and column information for each symbol. This is helpful for plugin users to create keybindings or commands to jump to these...