I would like to ask: if I want to add some plug-in models on FairMOT, which py file should I add it in? Thanks! 我想请教大佬:如果我想在FairMOT上加入一些插件模型,要在哪一个py文件中加入呢? 谢谢!
TypeError: can't convert cuda:0 device type tensor to numpy. Use Tensor.cpu() to copy the tensor to host memory first. How to solve this problem?
I would like to ask : if I want to add some plug-in models to CSTrack and OMC, which py files should I add? 我想请教大佬:如果我想CSTrack和OMC中加入一些插件模型,要在哪些py文件里加入呢?
When I run hrnet18, the following error occurs, how to solve it? `Creating model... => loading pretrained model ../models/hrnetv2_w18_imagenet_pretrained.pth Starting training... Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 97,...
我在测试的时候遇到了下面的问题,请问是代码的问题还是数据集脚本的问题? I encountered the following problems during testing. Is it the code or the data set script? 0%| | 0/2652 [00:00
How to use interpolation on MOT17 validation sets?Just like the ablative learning part of the paper.Thanks!
Thank you for a great job! I have some question about CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR, CMAKE_BINARY_DIR, cmake_progress_start,How do I change the path to cmake_progress_start?The original path is as follows: $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_start /home/algomorph/Factory/pyboostcvconverter/CMakeFiles...