Pretty much fulfilled by [Hunt Helper]( but it uses a separate map interface rather than overlaying the full in-game map
As shown above, this is done, fulfilled by [Simple Tweaks]( (UI Tweaks > Hide Job Gauge)
In progress (can this be marked as done if it's available on testing?), being fulfilled by [Collector's Anxiety](
Honestly, I don't think there would ever be a 1:1 version of FFXIV Collect in plugin form because of what Kaz laid out, all that is just not necessary. For...
Now done, fulfilled by [Item Vendor Location]( > also an in-game method to show what mob drops an item, the venture level of that drop This comment is covered by...
Could this be fulfilled by [Echoglossian]( or [SillyChat](
Duplicate of #7
Fulfilled by [Orchestrion Plugin]( though it may be buggy, especially for estates that only play one song, but that should be reported to the plugin
Would also like to remove the grayed-out effect from macro icons due to other situations, such as flying when using a minion icon
Done, fulfilled by [Price Insight](