Michel Weitbrecht
Michel Weitbrecht
You could use preexec with a script that checks if your backup server online first, before starting it.
I filtered snapshots fitting to the date scheme in https://github.com/stuvusIT/zfs-snap-manager/commit/4e038216b18665feffea2080e766f2197b05856a, it's not optional though.
I got the same error, I think the option got moved or renamed and now has to be set in `nixpkgs.crossSystem.dtb` (a string instead of a list), like it has...
@DanLipsitt see https://github.com/illegalprime/nixos-on-arm/pull/24
It seems like it has to do with calendar syncing, because in [DeleteEventHelper.java](https://github.com/xsoh/Etar-Calendar/blob/master/src/com/android/calendar/DeleteEventHelper.java#L291-L294) the dialog item "Only this event" is removed if mSyncId is null. Just using a synced calendar...