
Results 13 comments of SlimeNull



之前也出现过这种问题, 例如 At 消息, 它的 qq 字段竟然是 string 的

> 希望以字符串表示频道id,而不是整型,频道id可能超过某些编程语言的数字最大安全值(例如js) 拿起 long 就是一把梭

If the root control in your page is not 'sizable', the exception will be thrown. For example, you have a StackPanel in you page, and you must set the VerticalAlignment...

这种用户没有动任何配置,却无法生成正确的代码的情况,是应该被修复的。我认为这个 PR 应该被合并。 这样对于新用户友好。用户不需要自己写黑名单就可以避免这种问题。 毕竟,受保护的成员本来就不应该被生成,毕竟就算生成了代码,也是错误的。

This bug is already fixed in the latest version, update your package version.

You need to set the owner of the window first

Like this: ```csharp var uiMessageBox = new Wpf.Ui.Controls.MessageBox { Title = "test", Content = "test", WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterOwner }; uiMessageBox.Owner = Application.Current.MainWindow; await uiMessageBox.ShowDialogAsync(); ```

> This is needed if it isn't already implemented. If someone has a workaround please let me know. I'm now using version 2.1.0 of the WPF-UI package, and even though...