So I'm getting these same problems, and tried all the solutions here but I'm still getting the same error. when I looked at the logcat I see this error popping...
I have a Nexus 5 running the latest AOSPA
Nice really glad to see you back man even if it is for a bit
Alright you want me to let the OS enter doze on its own or is it alright to force it?
Just tested it still says network offline
Been awhile I actually got a new-ish phone but if you need me to test on the same one I do still have the Nexus 5 here
so far haven't seen the error pop up
For now just gonna treat this as a step by step thing since getting web support means doing a whole bunch of separate things because of how I did things....
I've always found this to be out of the general scope of app, but if you really need one I've heard good things from this one https://warframe-foundry.app/ For now I'm...
@KerstinMaur @TobiTenno How should we go about this then?