Manuel Eisenschink

Results 9 comments of Manuel Eisenschink

Notice: I changed the LogicCore setup a little bit. ``` LogicCore logicCore = new LogicCore { Graph = BuildGraph(data), DefaultLayoutAlgorithm = LayoutAlgorithmTypeEnum.Tree }; SimpleTreeLayoutParameters param; logicCore.DefaultLayoutAlgorithmParams = param = (SimpleTreeLayoutParameters)logicCore.AlgorithmFactory.CreateLayoutParameters(LayoutAlgorithmTypeEnum.Tree);...

@brantburnett Do you also have an implementation for CRC32?

Ah, okay didn't know. Well I saw that CRC32C is the recommended one anyway, so I switched to that.

Thanks for adding this as it has long been requested in #11. Kinda sad tho' that it's not really maintained anymore, I'd love to just use the nuget package instead...

Great to hear, thanks @force-net. No worries, I guess everyone understands that.

What's the status? Are you still actively working on that? I really hope so, there's not a single good implementation for C# :-/

Would be great, we use Git Workflow and need to name branches like this `feature/{story-no}/{story-title}` for stories and `hotfix/{bug-no}/{bug-title}` for bugs. Best would be `feature/{story-no}/{sub-task-no}/{task-title}` for nested tickets. So a...

Hi @BartVandewoestyne, thanks for the feedback. I currently don't have the capacity to implement such a feature (especially since I am not a C++ developer and can't really test this...

Were looking for the same feature. I guess it's not really MVVM friendly implemented or better said: There's no non-user controlled selection method, sadly.