Results 18 comments of Paynamia

What AyeTSG means is, on the DoomWorld /idgames archive, file pages provide an idgames:// link, and it would be nice if DoomLauncher could handle those links.

> Only issue script error warnings in top corner if GECK is installed Ah, okay, so these are things that always happened, they're just getting logged by default now because...

Inclined to agree, especially considering I've never seen the variable documented before the changelog, which can really add to the confusion.

So, as it turns out, `bWarnScriptErrors` doesn't seem to work properly in 6.1.7. If it's 0 while the GECK is installed, script error warnings are still dumped to the console...

So, after further testing, I couldn't reproduce those script errors in the second screenshot at all under 6.1.6 with `bWarnScriptErrors=1`.

> The option didn't exist in 6.1.6. Ah, okay. I was thinking that [this]( from the 6.0 changelog was referring to the same thing. >Are you sure that the setting...

So, I recorded a video of this happening, to try and help. In the process, though, I may have made an important discovery: The errors only start getting dumped...

Yep, behavior seems fixed. No logs unless `bWarnScriptErrors=1` or the GECK is running.

Spoke too soon, same issues are still present, the error-that-isn't-actually-an-error in VUI+ simply isn't being mis-detected anymore. Now, it's logging an error in JIP CCC. I get the corner notification...

Ah, okay. I guess the only thing that leaves from my last message is console logs still appearing if `bWarnScriptErrors=0`.