Lucas de Campos

Results 26 comments of Lucas de Campos

> @jenipharachel @Skullcan did you find a solution for this ? sadly, no.

> I would like to set my custom MongoDB IDs as the ids in the local DB so i can query easier a object based on the MongoDB ID I...

@diegolmello thank you! That´s what I was looking for.

Try seting the textStyle of the ActionButton.Item to: textAlignVertical: 'center'. It's working for me.

Sure, I have mine styled like this. The ActionButton Item ```javascript handleOptionFabPress(} > ``` The styles I used ```javascript const styles = StyleSheet.create({ containerTitulos: { justifyContent: 'flex-start', alignItems: 'center', height:...

Set verticalOrientation="down" and position="left". This should do it. =)

I'm having the same problem. Anyone found a solution for this?

> Did you create a new project with version 0.69.1 or update an existing project with an older react-native version? I'm using a fresh npx react-native init project. Steps to...

Ok, thanks for the information! So I tried to build it again using the suggested changes. After I cloned the project again from Ran a build w/o problems in...