Piotr Skalski

Results 483 comments of Piotr Skalski

I am very willing to implement any necessary changes to facilitate your use of supervision in combination with CVAT. I just need to know if changing the`image_id` numbering to start...

Okey! 🙏🏻 I just need to consider how this affects the `DetectionDataset` class overall.

Hi @westlinkin 👋🏻 ! Most of them can. Any specific task that you are interested in?

@AyushExel when I do: ``` from ultralytics import YOLO model = YOLO('yolov8n-cls.pt') results = model.predict(source='https://media.roboflow.com/notebooks/examples/dog.jpeg', conf=0.25) ``` I get: ``` [tensor([-1.02325e+00, 2.79760e+01, 5.27789e+00, -7.33197e+01, -2.43017e+01, 3.53219e+01, -3.36309e+01, -7.41147e+00, -3.35038e+01, -4.11602e+01,...

@AyushExel what is the post-processing flow right now? If I get that `result` what can I do myself right now to make it more human-readable? IS there any method in...

I started the work on `train-yolov8-classification-on-custom-dataset` tutorial. That one is still missing in [Roboflow Notebooks](https://github.com/roboflow/notebooks), but in the current state, it is pretty hard to do that. I think that...

Take a look here: https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/keras/classification. Usually, you get a 1D vector. Where all values in the vector sum up to 1. Interpretation is that the index of the value in...

@AyushExel I'm going live on Twitch and LinkedIn in over 1h. I'll be playing around with all models. I'll try to understand what people expect and give you some feedback...

@AyushExel I like object detection and instance segmentation output. The only one that is off is classification. 👍🏻